We use a plethora of Organic and OMRI nutrient sources consisting of pelletized/granular amendments and composts, as well as rock dusts. How much of each of these elements we use is dictated by soil analysis and our own protocols.

Yes! All of soils are tested at multiple stages of production. We work with soil agronomists and microbiologists to assure nutrient balance and microbial diversity.

We will be stocking inventory this spring! More info to come. Please click here to be informed when stock is available.

We offer our custom living soils, as well as peat based and coco based soil-less mediums. More info on availability coming soon.

Please feel free to check our process on the website!

Yes! We have plenty of pre order bulk availability coming soon! Stay tuned for bulk pricing once our inventory is stocked, or please complete the form here in order to be among the first to know!

Upon soil purchase we will give you a list of preferred trucking/shipping options. You will be responsible for contacting and scheduling pickup/delivery.

We are finishing up with some amazing upgrades to our indoor soil facility. Once the infrastructure is set, we well have availability details including retail and wholesale pricing.

Currently we do not, but we plan on growing into that role soon! Complete this form in order to be among the first to know!

We strive to localize all of our inputs! Certain inputs like pumice and lava rock simply don’t exist on the east coast, unfortunately. We do start our search in Maine for all of our amendments, composts, etc.